经济利益集团 公益团体 政府利益团体 Lobbyists 旋转门 宗教利益团体 单一议题利益团体 |
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Politicians tend to support positions favored by well organized, 容易识别的特殊利益集团. Special interest voters will let candidates know about issues they feel strongly about, this is how many topics become important during election years. Gun rights advocates are very vocal, as are environmentalists, anti-abortion, pro-choice, etc. and etc. This is one one way that the political system is influenced by "special interests.“另一种方式是通过特殊利益集团.
Special interest groups exist because there is power in numbers. Members of a special interest group share a common concern and try to influence government policies affecting those concerns. 利益集团也被称为游说集团. Lobbying is one way in which interest groups shape legislation and bring the views of the people they represent to the attention of law makers.
The negative side to interest groups is that it can look like "vote buying."
最大的利益集团类别. U.S. Chamber of Commerce and National Association of Manufacturers both represent business organizations. The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization (AFL-CIO) represent labor interests, as does the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (UPS drivers). Most of those interest groups that are serious about influencing legislation in Congress, 在华盛顿特区有办公室吗.
Professionals can have interest groups, such as The American Medical Association. There are special interest groups that represent all walks of life, 从渔民到当铺老板.
最大的利益集团类别. U.S. Chamber of Commerce and National Association of Manufacturers both represent business organizations. The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization (AFL-CIO) represent labor interests, as does the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (UPS drivers). Most of those interest groups that are serious about influencing legislation in Congress, 在华盛顿特区有办公室吗.
Professionals can have interest groups, such as The American Medical Association. There are special interest groups that represent all walks of life, 从渔民到当铺老板.
公益团体 - These groups typically do not expect to make a profit directly from the policy changes they seek, BUT, often times their staff members are good at getting donations to support their causes and the staff members themselves are paid. The League of Women Voters lobbies Congress on issues that impact women. The Environmental Defense Fund, lobbies for legislation that is helpful to the environment.
政府利益团体 -因为我们有联邦制政府, 或者一个有很多关卡的游戏, 其中一些, 比如全国城市联盟, might lobby Congress for legislation that helps larger cities by providing more federal funding for their cities. 全国市长会议, a group that lobbies for legislation that is beneficial to running towns.
宗教利益团体 - These groups lobby for legislation that supports the teachings of their church. Most religious interest groups for instance would be in favor of legislation that prohibited abortion.
民权利益团体 - The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for instance would lobby Congress for legislation that would be beneficial for African-Americans and civil rights. There are groups based on sexuality that want to combat legislation that limits marriage rights.
意识形态利益集团 - these groups want to push ideas that may be either liberal or conservative. The American Conservative Union pushes legislation that reflects conservative ideals.
单一议题利益团体 -这些是由于非常具体的原因或问题而形成的. Such as the National Rifle Association lobbies against legislation that promotes gun control. Or the National Right To Life Committee which lobbies for laws that would limit or outlaw abortions.
Lobbyists- the employees of associations who try to influence policy decisions and positions in the executive and especially in the legislative branches of our government. They are experienced in the ways of government, often having worked for other groups or causes. After a few years in the administration, they are ready to make the move to lobbying. Moving from a government job to one with an interest group is quite common and called 旋转门. It is illegal for former national government employees to directly lobby the agency they came from, but their contacts made during government service are helpful to interest groups. They help create networks of people who care about certain issue.
One limit on their power is the competition among interest groups. 很少有任何一个群体有自己的政策领域. 各位国会议员: the single most important thing lobbyists provide is money for their next reelection campaign. Money from interest groups has become instrumental in the driving need among incumbents. 他们也为竞选活动提供志愿者
政治行动委员会 (PAC)- the political arm of an interest group that is legally entitled to raise funds on a voluntary basis from members, 股东, or employees in order to contribute funds to favored candidates or political parties. Packs give money and other political aid to politicians and persuade officeholders to act or vote “the right way” on issues.
1970s brought a near revolution in the role and influence of PACs as the result of reforms intended to reduce the influence of money in elections. 政治行动委员会的数量从150个增加到今天的近4000个. Corporations and trade associations contribute the most to its growth -工党政治行动委员会少于10%. The 1960s-70s interest groups were mostly based on environmental, consumer, 政治改革问题
1970s brought a near revolution in the role and influence of PACs as the result of reforms intended to reduce the influence of money in elections. 政治行动委员会的数量从150个增加到今天的近4000个. Corporations and trade associations contribute the most to its growth -工党政治行动委员会少于10%. The 1960s-70s interest groups were mostly based on environmental, consumer, 政治改革问题
他们的主要影响在于 向候选人捐款的能力-他们需要很多钱来进行竞选活动, it is not uncommon for a House candidate to spend more than $1M and Senators several times more. 政治行动委员会的贡献越大,他们的影响力就越大. What counts is not only the amounts they give, but also to whom they give. 政治行动委员会不仅给多数党捐款, 但对少数党来说也是如此, 知道今天的少数可能是明天的多数.