整个19世纪晚期, new innovation in technology and America's decision to become involved in Imperialistic ventures after the 美西战争, catapulted the U.S. into increased involvement with European powers. 大西洋在历史上保护美国不受欧洲问题的影响, but our ever expanding trade meant that U.S. interests would become entwined with the global economy. 蒸汽战舰和潜艇可能威胁到美国的安全. President Woodrow Wilson attempted to keep the U.S. 从1914年开始的第一次世界大战中退出. In 1917, after increased attacks by German U-boats on U.S. 威尔逊总统认为,有必要对德国开战.
1914年8月,奥地利入侵塞尔维亚,欧洲爆发战争. Austria treated Serbia much like a colony and the Serbians wanted to be completely independent from Austria. 一个波斯尼亚民族主义者暗杀了斐迪南大公和他的妻子, 奥地利对塞尔维亚宣战. This single event led to alliances declaring war on one another and set the path for one of the deadliest wars in world history.
双方被分成协约国和同盟国. The main player in the Central Powers was Germany which chose to fight a two front war: The Western Front, 主要发生在法国, 和东线, 主要在俄罗斯作战.
Allied PowersSerbia
Italy France Belgium 英格兰(大不列颠) Canada Australia Russia 美国(1917年) |
Central PowersGermany
Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Turkey Ottoman Empire |
西线是法国北部和比利时的战线. 当美国人最终决定加入这场战争时,他们将在西线作战.
Trench Warfare
WWI would be an industrial war that involved total mobilization of all resources from each nation in order to win the war. New inventions would make the war very bloody. Of the nearly 70 million soldiers that fought in WWI, 超过一半的人会被杀死, wounded, or captured. Machine guns, submarines, aerial bombing, poison gas, flame throwers, land mines, armored tanks, 远程火炮, and the use of barbed wire were all newly invented tools for destruction yet to be tested on a battlefield until WWI. In August of 1914, 德国迅速进入比利时,杀害平民,烧毁城镇,然后离开并进入法国. 1914年8月22日,德军在一天的战斗中杀死了27,000名法国士兵. 这将是一场漫长而血腥的战争. 战斗很快陷入了一种被称为堑壕战的噩梦般的战斗方式.
每个人都建造了一系列的战壕,有些战壕的深度从8英尺到12英尺不等,这些战壕在乡间蜿蜒曲折. 在战壕的两侧,他们建造了防空洞和储存额外弹药的地方. The sides were reenforced with wood planks. In order to keep the men from having to walk in mud, boardwalks were laid in the bottom of the trenches. 在战壕前系上了带刺的铁丝,以防止敌军轻易进入战壕. 机枪阵地被加固,火力通道被开辟,以最大限度地增加敌人的伤亡. Troops spent weeks in the trenches fighting off disease, trench foot (when your feet are constantly wet), rats, lice, and boredom. Often when a soldier made the mistake of allowing any part of his body to show above the top of the trench, he was usually met with a snipers bullet.
当进攻的声音响起, a whistle would blow and the men would go "over the top,“冲过无人区. Enemy artillery would open up at first and then machine guns and snipers would began to fire at the attacking enemy. 如果进攻部队进入了敌人的战壕,真正的工作就开始了. 他们携带各种各样的武器,以便在狭窄的战壕中进行近距离战斗. 敌人要么击退进攻,要么被打败,失去战壕, 他们会后退一百码左右,到另一条可以使用的壕沟. This sort of leap frog style fighting went back and forth until it did not appear that anyone was going to win.
Trench Weapons
堑壕战是一种消耗战, it wasn't as much about how much ground you gained, 但更多的是消磨敌人的精力,使战争的代价过高. Soldiers ate, slept, lived, and died in their trenches. 堑壕战摧毁了任何关于光荣战争风格的观念.
The German government announced that the waters around Great Britain were a "war zone" and that any ship found to be in those waters would be considered enemy ships and could be attacked German submarines called U-boats. 德国人放弃了一战前使用的老式海战荣誉制度. Used to, 沉船之前, 指挥官会允许船员在船被摧毁之前登上救生艇. 随着u型潜艇的使用,德国人不再警告他们的目标. In 1915 alone, 227 British ships were sank. The U.S. believed the use of submarine warfare against a neutral country was a violation of the rules of war and it would hold Germany accountable for any ships it sank from the U.S. On May 7, 1915, a German submarine sank the Lusitania这是一艘没有武装的英国豪华客轮. Of the 1,198 persons on board who died, 128 were American. 这一损失激怒了美国.S. 要求德国停止无限制的潜艇战,但收效甚微.
President Woodrow Wilson and Congress began to prepare for war which they felt would eventually come to the U.S. 1916年,国会通过了《买球软件app》,扩大了美国的军事力量.S. Army tripling it in size to over 200,000 soldiers. In order to quiet those people that believed that war preparedness would only make munitions factories rich, Wilson and Congress imposed a higher tax on their profits.
2月3日,在德国潜艇对美国海军的攻击增加之后.S. 民用船只,美国.S. 与德国断绝外交关系. On February 25, 威尔逊总统得知德国政府派了一名官员, Arthur Zimmermann, 墨西哥政府, 敦促墨西哥人入侵美国.S. In exchange, Germany would give Mexico the American southwest. This infuriated the American people when it went public. 4月6日,国会和威尔逊总统签署了一项战争决议.
The U.S. 军队和国家本身在1917年4月开始动员战争. 战争工业委员会, was established, 有权配给战争物资和建造新工厂. President Wilson appointed Herbert Hoover to head the Food Administration that was in charge of making sure plenty of crops were grown to feed Americans plus extra to send to the Allied Powers who were in desperate need of food for their soldiers. The U.S. government sold liberty bonds to raise money for the war. 美国人可以购买战争债券,然后在战后以高于购买价格的价格将其变现. With men of military age enlisting in record numbers, factories needed labor to build the materials used in war. 北方的代理人在南方打广告招聘非裔美国人. 40多万南方黑人移民到北方,找到了高薪的军工工作 Great Migration, it continued through the 1920s long after the end of the war.
Civil Liberties - individual rights and freedoms, 通常指行为或言语, most protected by 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution. Once America had declared war on Germany, anything German related was looked at with an eye disloyalty. Even German Americans were sometimes taunted and harassed even though they had nothing to do with Germany. 威尔逊害怕他在美国国内可能遇到的任何反对.S. 于是他设法让他们闭嘴. Congress created the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917. The Espionage Act called for twenty years in prison for anyone who helped the enemy; encouraged insubordination (disobeying orders), disloyalty, or refusal of duty in the armed services, or interfered with the war effort in other ways. 根据《买球app软件》,将有1000多人被定罪. 前社会党领袖和总统候选人尤金. Debs was convicted and sentenced to ten years in prison. The Sedition Act 将间谍法扩大到那些试图减缓战争债券销售或减缓生产的人, 甚至禁止以“说”的形式公开反对美国政府, writing, or printing anything counter to the American view point. People were convicted for handing out pamphlets against the war.
由于沙皇尼古拉二世(Czar Nicholas II)的管理不善,俄罗斯在战争中遭受了损失. The economy of Russia was ruined and people were starving. 沙皇把王位让给了一个致力于结束战争的战时临时政府. The Americans were happy to hear the change believing that Russia was headed toward a democratic government, 但当德国特工帮助流亡的革命者时,它的希望破灭了, Vladimir Lenin return to Russia. 他们正确地希望列宁会引起动乱,而他的确领导了 Bolsheviks, a group of Communist revolutionaries into power. Lenin's first move as the new Bolshevik Communist leader of Russia was to establish a dictatorship (one absolute ruler) and called for a quick end to the war. Lenin banned political parties and all organized religions. 他剥夺了所有的公民自由, 扼杀了新闻自由, and imprisoned anyone who was 100% with him. He had his communist army capture and hang the richest of Russian society and imprisoned anyone who resisted the communists. 俄国爆发了内战, but it was completely out of the war which allowed Germany to focus all of its resources on fighting the Allied Powers on the Western Front.
Fourteen Points
威尔逊总统决心确保第一次世界大战是最后一场战争. 1917年9月,他组织了一个由150名政治专家组成的小组, history, geography, and foreign policy, to draft a peace plan for after the war. His plan would be an unselfish one that did not favor the U.S. 就地理而言. 其中一点强调支持公开外交,而不是秘密条约, 承认中立国进行海上贸易的权利, the removal of international trade barriers, 裁减军备, and the transformation of colonial empires. Wilson wanted the countries of Europe after the war to participate in self determination so that different nationalities and ethnic groups could develop their own nations. 他最重要的观点是建立一个维护全球和平的国家联盟.
6月2日,第一批美国士兵抵达法国进入战壕. 所有美国军队的美国指挥官.S. forces (called the American Expeditionary Forces), Gen. John J. Pershing (from Missouri) insisted that American units fight independently from British and French troops who wanted the U.S. 接受他们指挥的士兵,在自己的部队中作为新的替代者. 他们认为,美国人不知道如何打堑壕战. 潘兴不允许这种情况发生,而是保留了所有的美国.S. soldiers intact. 在贝洛森林战役中,一名法国军官试图让美国军队撤离.S. 士兵们在战斗中撤退,但美军指挥官不同意.S. 那里的海军陆战队员回答说:“撤退? 见鬼,我们才刚到."
In October 1918, as a newly-promoted corporal, Alvin York was one of a group of seventeen soldiers assigned to infiltrate German lines and silence a machine gun position. 在美国巡逻队俘虏了一大群敌军士兵之后, German small arms fire killed six Americans and wounded three. 约克是仍能战斗的人中地位最高的,所以他接管了军队. 他的手下看守着囚犯, 约克进攻了机枪阵地, 在子弹用完之前用他的步枪杀死了几名德国士兵. 六名德国士兵用刺刀向他冲去,约克拔出手枪,将他们全部击毙. The German officer responsible for the machine gun position had emptied his pistol while firing at York but failed to hit him. This officer then offered to surrender and York accepted. 约克和他的手下带着130多名囚犯回到了他们部队的指挥所. 约克立即被提升为中士,并被授予杰出服役十字勋章, 调查结果将该奖项提升为荣誉勋章. 约克的壮举使他在盟国中成为民族英雄和国际名人.
The Meuse Argonne Campaign (The Argonne Forest)
1918年9月26日,美军在凡尔登北部发起进攻. 就像所有一战的战斗一样,它以大规模的炮火开始. 在持续到10月3日的第一阶段战斗中,美军的结果好坏参半. 德军的抵抗很顽强,但美军的庞大兵力慢慢迫使德军后退. 与此同时,在北方的法国和英国军队也取得了类似的成功, 缓慢但稳定的进展. By the end of the second stage of the battle which lasted from October 6th to 26th the American forces had advanced over 10 miles and cleared the Argonne Forest.
战斗的最后阶段一直持续到11月11日停战, 1918年,美国军队向梅斯挺进, while French forces conquered the goal of the campaign Sedan. 美军在战斗中伤亡19.2万人,其中阵亡26277人. 法国人损失了70,000 casualties, 而德国有126枚,000人伤亡其中56人,000 prisoners. 这场战争 Argonne Forest 美国士兵在第一次世界大战中经历的最长、最致命的战斗是什么.
战斗的最后阶段一直持续到11月11日停战, 1918年,美国军队向梅斯挺进, while French forces conquered the goal of the campaign Sedan. 美军在战斗中伤亡19.2万人,其中阵亡26277人. 法国人损失了70,000 casualties, 而德国有126枚,000人伤亡其中56人,000 prisoners. 这场战争 Argonne Forest 美国士兵在第一次世界大战中经历的最长、最致命的战斗是什么.
On 18 May 1917 Congress passed the Selective Service Act requiring all male citizens between the ages of 21 and 31 to register for the draft. 甚至在法案通过之前, 来自全国各地的非裔美国男性急切地加入了战争. 他们把这场冲突看作是证明自己忠诚的机会, patriotism, and worthiness for equal treatment in the United States.
尽管仍然存在歧视, 在种族关系方面,陆军比其他军种进步得多. 黑人不能在海军陆战队服役, 只能在海军和海岸警卫队担任有限和卑微的职位. 第一次世界大战结束时, 非裔美国人在骑兵部队服役, infantry, signal, medical, engineer, 还有炮兵部队, 同时也担任牧师, surveyors, truck drivers, chemists, 情报官员. |
The U.S. 陆军使用两个全黑人步兵部队,第92步兵师和第93步兵师. The 93rd was well trained and led by capable officers and fought very well throughout the Argonne Forest assisting French forces. The division would become one of the most decorated of the war. Black soldiers would later return to the U.S. with a renewed sense of independence and which would transform into the beginning stages of the fight for civil rights in the U.S.
America's Ace
埃迪里肯巴克公司 是美国在第一次世界大战期间击落26个敌人的顶级战斗机. 他将因独自攻击六架敌机并获胜而获得荣誉勋章. He was one of the few American aces that survived the war.
Armistice Day - Realizing that further resistance was futile, 德国决定投降,在同盟国把他们赶进德国之前结束战争. On November 11, 1918年11月的第11天, at the 11th hour, Germany and its allies surrendered to the Allied Powers, WWI was over, 但另一个篇章即将开始.
巴黎和会 met from January to June of 1919. It dealt with important and complex issues like creating new nations and redrawing the map of Europe and the Middle East. The peacemakers met daily and debated, argued, and compromised. 结果将产生最后的影响.
巴黎和会 was controlled by the Big Four英国、法国、意大利的首相和美国总统.S. 四方争论着, 法国和英国想让德国为发动战争付出沉重代价, 意大利的主要兴趣是争夺奥地利控制的土地, 威尔逊提出了他的14点计划.
威尔逊总统极力推动人们采纳他的建议 League of Nations. He believed that a world peace organization would avoid future wars by settling international disputes and stopping aggressors before they started. 它允许成员国对军事侵略者实施经济制裁或惩罚. 威尔逊在美国的批评者.S. were opposed to the League of Nations because they believed it would drag them into another European conflict.
威尔逊失去了他想在欧洲完成的大部分目标. 法国被允许占领德国西部边境的大片土地, 欧洲主要的工业地区. Ethnic groups were not allowed to practice self-determination, 但是一些新的国家是由四大银行的会议产生的. 奥地利、匈牙利、波兰、南斯拉夫和捷克斯洛伐克成为中欧的新国家. 在波罗的海地区,芬兰、爱沙尼亚、立陶宛和拉脱维亚成为独立国家. The German and Turkish colonies that were in the Middle and East and Africa were given to the French and British to oversee their development and possible independence in the future. Japan took control of German colonies in east Asia.
France and Britain also wanted Germany to pay reparations, or payments by the defeated that go to the victors. 他们迫使德国正式承认发动一战的责任, these two factors angered the Germans so much that it helped with the rise of the Nazi Party in the 1930s. 根据凡尔赛条约, 德国人失去了15%的土地, not counting it lost all of its foriegn colonies, which meant that it lost 10% of its population. 在别无选择的情况下,德国人同意了投降条款,该协议被称为 凡尔赛条约.
France and Britain also wanted Germany to pay reparations, or payments by the defeated that go to the victors. 他们迫使德国正式承认发动一战的责任, these two factors angered the Germans so much that it helped with the rise of the Nazi Party in the 1930s. 根据凡尔赛条约, 德国人失去了15%的土地, not counting it lost all of its foriegn colonies, which meant that it lost 10% of its population. 在别无选择的情况下,德国人同意了投降条款,该协议被称为 凡尔赛条约.
The Spanish Flu
1918年春天,一种新的流感开始侵袭军营. It was called the Spanish Flu because Spain was the first to fully report on the flu, 但它的起源在很大程度上是未知的, some believed it began in Kansas at an army base. 在疫情爆发的第一年,全世界有多达1亿人死亡, 是一战死亡人数的两倍. It the U.S. 它造成67.5万人死亡. 全国五分之一的人得了流感. 医院病床满了,棺材短缺成了紧急情况. During the summer of 1919 the flue largely disappeared, 直到1920年冬天才再次出现, 但到这个时候,更多的人对流感有了抵抗力,流感也不那么致命了.
西班牙流感在买球app软件很严重,但没有在城市那么严重. Stoddard County had a population of over 29,000 people in 1920. 虽然整个家庭都被消灭了,但事实证明,对一些人来说,它比其他人更致命. Most of those that died as a result of the Spanish Flu, 死于感染病毒后出现的下呼吸道感染. In the first four worst months of the flu in the county, 1918年10月到1919年1月, 287 people died, 大约占人口的1%. 在COVID-19的头四个月里,买球app软件有11人死亡. Our population today is almost exactly what it was in 1920.
Race Riots - Nearly 400,000名黑人在一战中服役, when they returned, 许多人认为,自从他们为国家而战以来,事情可能会有所不同, but in the South, 在北方的很多地方也是如此, 事情并没有什么不同. 第一次世界大战期间,成千上万的黑人也搬到北方去找军工工作, 在这个过程中,许多人通过能够挣到不错的工资,找到了一种新的独立感. These two factors led many whites in the South to be resentful, and some took their anger out on the black community. There were riots in Longview, Texas, Washington D.C.在芝加哥,38人死亡,500多人受伤. 1919年爆发了25起骚乱, 80名黑人被处以私刑, and host of smaller assaults were no doubt carried out. For many African-Americans it was a turning point, 这场运动最终导致了30年后的民权运动.
After WWI many blamed the riots and chaos on the communists. Some believed that Lenin had followers in the U.S. in order to start a communist revolution. In April of 1919, 邮政部门发现了40枚寄给政府官员的自制炸弹. The U.S. 司法部长A. 米切尔·帕尔默创建了一个新的政府部门来收集激进分子和共产主义者的信息. Called the American Protective League and led by J. Edgar Hoover在美国,它被用来围捕涉嫌制造麻烦的人和共产主义者. 这被称为 First Red Scare 也是美国历史上侵犯公民自由最严重的例子之一. 任何不表现出爱国主义的人都被怀疑是共产主义者. 一个人仅仅因为说了一些关于共产主义的积极的话就可能被关进监狱. 红色恐慌一直持续到1920年夏天才开始消退, 但会在20世纪50年代再次出现.